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Water Resource

Looking to enhance Stormwater-related infrastructure and systems through streamlined design, modeling, and management practices?

We specialize in innovative water resources projects to address the complex water challenges facing communities, industries, and ecosystems across the United States. Sterling Design Support Services’ expert team combines cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise to deliver sustainable and resilient solutions.

Have any specific Water Resources Projects requirements? Reach out today and let us know what you need.

Our comprehensive Stormwater Management and Hydrological Modelling services are designed to address the unique challenges faced by urban, suburban, and rural areas across the United States. Leveraging advanced technology and best practices, we offer tailored solutions to manage and mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff, ensuring sustainable and environmentally responsible water management.

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  • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Implementing green infrastructure solutions such as bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavements.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring projects meet local, state, and federal stormwater regulations.
  • Erosion and Sediment Control: Develop plans to minimize erosion and manage sediment during construction activities.
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling: Utilizing advanced modeling techniques to predict and mitigate flood risks.
  • Floodplain Mapping: Creating accurate maps to inform planning and emergency response.
  • Structural Solutions: Designing levees, floodwalls, and stormwater management systems to protect communities and properties.
  • Strategic Planning: Developing comprehensive water supply plans that ensure long-term sustainability and reliability.
  • Resource Assessment: Conducting detailed studies to evaluate the availability and quality of water resources.
  • Infrastructure Design: Engineering state-of-the-art water storage, treatment, and distribution systems.

Benefits of our Water Resource Services

  • Mitigate Flood Risks: Proper stormwater management systems, including detention basins, retention ponds, and green infrastructure, help to control and reduce surface runoff, significantly decreasing the risk of flooding in urban and suburban areas.
  • Protection of property and infrastructure:  By managing stormwater efficiently, we can protect homes, businesses, roads, and other critical infrastructure from water damage, leading to lower repair and maintenance costs.
  • Optimize Water Usage:  Maximize water extraction, treatment, and distribution efficiency to minimize waste and resource consumption.
  • Ensure Regulatory ComplianceStay compliant with environmental regulations by implementing effective water management practices and meeting required standards.
  • Enhance Water QualityStormwater management practices, such as bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavements, filter out pollutants like oil, heavy metals, and nutrients before they reach water bodies, improving the overall water quality.
  • Increase Resilience:   Build resilience against water-related risks such as droughts and water scarcity through proactive management strategies and contingency planning.

Why Us

Experts With 20+ Years of Experience

A+ Highest Credibility & Satisfaction rating from Better Business Bureau

97% Customer Satisfaction Rating, Independently verified by Dun & Bradstreet

100% Compliance With US Standards

On-Demand Consultation With PE Experts

Reviews by Licensed Professionals

Access to Global and US Based Skilled Professionals and Industry Experts

Members of the American Staffing Association

Softwares We Use

Listed Thrice On Inc


List Of Fastest
Growing Businesses In The US


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Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, we do provide Stormwater modeling and design services for all types of detention and retention systems.

We provide sustainable solutions like green infrastructure design which includes bioswales and rain gardens that effectively filter stormwater, reduce runoff, and enhance groundwater recharge.

We have Experts working with us from the US, who have extensive experience and ensure that the work we do is compliant with local, state, and federal stormwater regulations and permitting.

We can only cater to all the design needs concerning erosion and sediment control measures for construction sites.

We employ a variety of advanced modeling techniques to accurately predict and analyze stormwater runoff. Key tools and methods include:

  1. HydroCAD: A versatile tool for designing and analyzing stormwater management systems, including detention basins, ponds, and infiltration practices. HydroCAD simplifies complex hydrologic calculations and provides detailed reports.
  2. Hydraflow: Integrated with Autodesk’s Civil 3D, Hydraflow enables comprehensive stormwater analysis and design, offering features for modeling storm sewers, detention ponds, and inlet capacities.
  3. HEC-HMS: Simulates the precipitation-runoff processes of dendritic watershed systems, providing a robust framework for flood forecasting and hydrologic analysis.
  4. HEC-RAS: Models the hydraulics of water flow in natural rivers and other channels, essential for floodplain management and flood risk assessment.
  5. SWMM: Developed by the EPA, this tool is used for dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation and water quality analysis in urban areas.

GIS Integration: Utilizing GIS tools like ArcGIS and QGIS, we analyze spatial data to model watershed characteristics, flow paths, and runoff patterns.

We ensure the effectiveness and longevity of stormwater management practices in challenging terrain or urban environments by conducting detailed site-specific assessments, using advanced modeling tools like HydroCAD and Hydraflow, and integrating green infrastructure solutions. This approach ensures robust, sustainable, and adaptable stormwater management systems.

Our expertise in green infrastructure for stormwater management includes designing and implementing bioretention systems, such as rain gardens and bioswales, which naturally filter and absorb runoff. Additionally, we utilize permeable pavement solutions to allow water infiltration, reducing surface runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. These sustainable practices enhance stormwater management while improving water quality and urban aesthetics.

We assess and mitigate the impacts of land use changes on surface water quality and quantity by conducting detailed site analyses, using hydrologic models like SWMM, HydroCAD, and Hydraflow, and implementing best management practices (BMPs). For flood forecasting and risk assessment, we utilize advanced tools such as HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and GIS-based models to predict flood behavior and develop effective mitigation strategies.